Thursday, January 26, 2012

❀Muji: Storage & Review

I was going through my train case one day, and found that a lot of the things I bought was not really being put to use. Some of the things I only swatched or tried on when I had just brought them home with me. My make up was going to waste.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I know I'm a little late on posting these pictures up, but I wanted to share with you some of my favorite polishes I wore last summer. Sometimes I might sneak a color or two during these months of winter. Hey why not? It's ok to bend the rules a little, especially to add a pop of color to your outfit.

OPI's Mermaid Tears (in natural daylight)
 More true to color here.

OPI's Sparrow Me The Drama

ZOYA's Minka (in natural daylight)
China Glaze Sea Spray on thumb & index fingers

(Evening w/ flash)

Quick eye looking using: UDP, NARS Mekong e/s in the crease & below eyebrow, Mac Bright Future e/s all over the lid, and Mac Nylon e/s on the brow bone as a highlight.

Bare with me while I figure out a new layout. Hope you guys enjoyed.